About StreetRx - latest street prices for illicit and prescription drugs
StreetRx (streetrx.com) is a web-based citizen reporting tool enabling real-time collection of street price data on diverted pharmaceutical and illicit substances. Based on principles of crowdsourcing for public health surveillance, the site allows users to anonymously report prices they paid or heard were paid for diverted prescription and illicit drugs. User-generated data offers intelligence into an otherwise opaque black market, providing a novel data set for public health surveillance, specifically for controlled substances.Prescription opioid diversion and abuse are major public health issues, and street prices provide an indicator of drug availability, demand, and abuse potential. Such data, however, can be difficult to collect and crowdsourcing can provide an effective solution in an era of Internet-based social networks. Data derived from StreetRx generates valuable insights for pharmacoepidemiological research, health-policy analysis, pharmacy-economic modeling, and in assisting epidemiologists and policymakers in understanding the effects of product formulations and pricing structures on the diversion of prescription drugs.
StreetRx was launched in the United States in November 2010. Since then, it has expanded into Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.