
Adderall Cost:

How Much Does Adderall Cost and Why Is It Important to Track the Street Price?

Adderall is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It is a stimulant drug that works by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. These chemicals help improve focus, attention, and energy levels.

Adderall is a popular brand-name medication, but it can be expensive. The cost of Adderall can vary depending on a number of factors, including the dosage and the pharmacy at which it is purchased.

How Much Does Adderall Cost?

The cost of Adderall can range from $2 to $35 per pill, depending on the factors mentioned above. Generic Adderall is typically less expensive than brand-name Adderall.

It is important to note that these prices are just averages. The actual cost of Adderall may vary depending on your pharmacy and your insurance coverage.

Why Is It Important to Track the Street Price of Adderall?

Tracking the street price of Adderall is important for a number of reasons.

First, it can help to identify trends in the illicit drug market. For example, if the street price of Adderall begins to rise, it could be a sign that there is a shortage of the drug or that demand for it is increasing.

Second, tracking the street price of Adderall can help identify areas where there is a high risk of Adderall abuse. For example, if the street price of Adderall is low in a particular community, it may be a sign that there is a high risk of Adderall addiction and overdose.

Third, tracking the street price of Adderall can help inform public health policy decisions. For example, data on the street price of Adderall can be used to determine where to allocate resources for drug prevention, treatment and drug affordability programs.

Fourth, tracking the street price of Adderall can help identify new drug markets. For example, if the street price of Adderall in one region is significantly lower than the price in another region, it could be a sign that dealers are importing the drug from one region to another.

How to Track the Street Price of Adderall

There are a number of ways to track the street price of Adderall. One way is to collect data from anonymous surveys of drug users. Another way is to collect data from law enforcement agencies on drug seizures.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) collects data on the street price of Adderall and publishes this data in its annual National Drug Threat Assessment report.

Why Is It Important for Data about the Cost of Adderall to Be User-Generated?

User-generated data is important for tracking the cost of Adderall for a number of reasons.

First, it can help to provide a more accurate picture of the real-world cost of Adderall than data from traditional sources, such as pharmacies and insurance companies.

Second, user-generated data can help to identify trends in the cost of Adderall over time. This information can be used to inform researchers and the pharmaceutical industry about changing demands for products on the black market.

Third, user-generated data can help to identify regional variations in the cost of Adderall. This information can be used to target outreach in areas where Adderall is the most expensive, as higher price could indicate higher demand for the drug.

Fourth, it can help identify factors that contribute to the cost of Adderall. For example, user-generated data can be used to identify the impact of insurance coverage, pharmacy markups, and manufacturer rebates on the cost of Adderall.

How to Obtain User-Generated Data on the Cost of Adderall

There are a number of ways to obtain user-generated data on the cost of Adderall. One way is to conduct anonymous surveys of people who purchase or sell Adderall. Another way is to collect data from online forums and social media platforms where people discuss the street price of Adderall.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also collects data on the street price of Adderall from law enforcement agencies, which can be useful in addition to user-generated data when comparing the cost of Adderall on the street to the price of Adderall in pharmacies.

User-generated data is important for tracking the cost of Adderall because it can provide a more accurate picture of the real-world cost of Adderall, identify trends in the cost of Adderall over time, and identify regional variations in the cost of Adderall.


U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

Adderall Background Information

Adderall is a psychostimulant medication commonly used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Like other stimulant drugs, Adderall has a high potential for abuse and is commonly used as a recreational drug.

Pharmacologically, Adderall is considered to be a central nervous system stimulant. Other drugs in this class include cocaine, methamphetamines, and ephedrine. These drugs speed up the central nervous system and can make your heart beat faster, increase your blood pressure, and provide a sensation of energy and focus.

Adderall use is not without consequences. The most common side effects of using Adderall include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Dry mouth
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
These side effects can happen whether you take Adderall as prescribed or as a recreational drug.

Medical Use of Adderall

There are two approved medical uses for Adderall: the treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy.

For people with ADHD, Adderall can create profound cognitive benefits and vastly improve both their quality of life and their academic performance. Part of the reason that Adderall works for people with ADHD is that it releases large amounts of dopamine in the brain.

People with ADHD tend to produce lower levels of dopamine than their neurotypical counterparts and may struggle to focus on tasks or to feel a sense of reward for their actions. When taking Adderall, they find it easier to focus, and they report a sense of motivation and calm that is not within their typical experience.

Importantly, people who have ADHD do not experience the euphoria or erratic behavior that often occurs when people take Adderall recreationally.

For people with narcolepsy, Adderall can help them to stay awake. All stimulants can promote wakefulness, and people with narcolepsy can benefit greatly from this effect.

Adderall comes in many dosages, but it typically comes in one of two forms:

Adderall Capsules

An Adderall capsule is a clear or colored tube that contains several small pellets inside. These pellets contain a mixture of amphetamine salts that produce Adderall’s medicinal effects. Oftentimes, these pellets are formulated to be time-released, which means that the drug enters the bloodstream over a prolonged period of time.

Adderall Tablets

Adderall tablets more closely resemble typical medications. They are small and often contain score marks that make them easy to split into half-doses. Adderall tablets vary in strength, usually between 5 and 10 milligrams.

Non-Medical Use of Adderall

People use Adderall for two primary non-prescribed reasons: abuse and misuse. Someone can abuse Adderall to produce a feeling of euphoria and socialization, or they can misuse it as a “study drug” to promote academic achievement and performance. For misuse and recreational use, Adderall can be taken orally, snorted, or dissolved in water and injected.

Adderall can promote wakefulness and increase motivation to complete tasks. It may even create short-term benefits in working memory. Because of this, Adderall is used by a small but significant portion of students in higher education.

However, at higher doses, Adderall can have the opposite effect, reducing the ability to focus and interfering with memory.

Some people may also use Adderall for other purposes, including boosting athletic performance or as a weight loss drug. As a result, most major sports organizations have classified Adderall as a performance-enhancing drug and banned its use.

Adderall Risks

Adderall use is not without its risks, whether it is taken as prescribed or used illegally. It has a high risk for abuse and using it regularly can rapidly spiral into an addiction. This is because Adderall produces large levels of dopamine in the brain, which causes people to associate the drug with reward and makes them more likely to use it again.

Chemically, Adderall is very similar to the illicit drug methamphetamine. In fact, the medications included in an Adderall tablet are a blend of amphetamine salts, and the only difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine is a single methyl group.

While using Adderall may feel euphoric, energizing, and motivating, it often comes at a cost. After an Adderall binge, people will often “crash” and experience prolonged periods of depression, sleepiness, and a lack of motivation. Further, people who use a high dose of Adderall may experience psychosis, delusions, and paranoia.

Overdose is another real concern with Adderall use. Taking too much Adderall can increase your blood pressure to dangerously high levels, putting you at risk for a heart attack or seizure.

Pressed Pills

Since Adderall is a frequently sought-after medication, illicit drug manufacturers will often create lookalike pills marketed as Adderall. Even though they may have the same shape, color, and imprints as real Adderall medications, they often include different active ingredients.

Most commonly, pills pressed to resemble Adderall actually contain the drug methamphetamine. This is because methamphetamine is easier to manufacture illegally and selling methamphetamine as Adderall fetches a higher return for illicit drug manufacturers.

The true danger of pressed pills is that you don’t know exactly the drug or dose you are receiving. A single pressed pill may contain a very high dose of methamphetamine and can quickly lead to accidental overdose.

Street Value of Adderall

The street price of Adderall varies significantly between states. Using the RADARS surveillance system, StreetRx compiles anonymously submitted information to assess Adderall prices throughout the world and to give a general perception of the average street value of Adderall.

According to our data, Adderall prices are typically between $0.30 and $1.00 per milligram. For a 30mg pill, that puts the typical street price of Adderall at $9 to $30.

Resources for Getting Help with Adderall Addiction

If you think your Adderall use has developed into a substance use problem, you may need professional help to stop. The very nature of substance use disorders makes it hard for people to stop on their own, but there are targeted therapies and medications that can help.

Addiction can affect anyone and brings serious physical and mental health consequences.

You can find professional mental health and addiction treatment services on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s website. Addiction treatment is highly effective at helping people break free from their addiction and get back to living healthy and productive lives.

FDA: Adderall Information

NIH: Prescription Stimulant Information